FoneStock Technology Inc. التطبيقات

神乎奇機腦股力-股市專業看盤APP 1.9.558
FoneStock Technology Inc.
功能超強、資訊超多的股市看盤軟體。腦股力為金融專業行動看盤軟體,功能更勝一般桌機軟體。資訊內容包含五大商品:股票(Stock)、期貨(Future)、選擇權(Option)、權證(Warrant)、外匯(Forex)操作邏輯橫貫六大面向:即時報價、技術分析、籌碼追蹤、財報管理、消息新聞、策略選股特色功能包括七大奇蹟:板塊動態、飆股密碼、圖示選股、券商追蹤、程式選股、我的指標、策略回測由淺到深,由直覺到專業,讓您輕鬆掌握金融動態,戰勝股市投資。重點功能介紹:• 板塊動態:主流熱度,即時觀測 提供熱門產業、特色概念股的即時報價匯總資訊,其中族群漲跌的熱度江波圖比較,可清楚看出當日市場主流族群。• 飆股密碼:飆股明牌,輕鬆掌握 提供即時面、技術面、基本面及籌碼面等四種面向共計超過三十種以上的類別資料,經由系統雲端智慧篩選後匯總排序,可輕鬆掌握市場變化。• 圖示選股:轉折關鍵,領先卡位 提供最簡易的圖形點選方式,利用雲端智慧的運算篩選機制,找出符合多空K線型態的個股。• 券商追蹤:掌握籌碼,追蹤大戶 提供券商分點進出明細資料,包括買賣超比重及成交均價的進階資訊,使用者可以輕鬆掌握個股控盤者動態,另外可同時配合K線圖,查詢主力買賣庫存。• 程式選股:股林高手,綜合運用 提供使用者自訂選股條件,簡單直覺的邏輯編輯介面,包括價量、技術、籌碼、基本等各種編輯元件,可讓使用者快速篩選出符合飆股條件之個股。• 我的指標:獲利秘技,獨一無二 提供自訂個人化技術指標功能,使用者可依價量、技術、籌碼等系統所提供之基礎元件進行編輯,所編指標可於技術線圖中顯示觀察使用,並支援策略回測功能。• 策略回測:策略模擬,實戰演練 提供模擬交易策略回測功能,使用者可以自訂買賣交易條件、選擇標的進行回測,系統將依使用者自訂之交易策略提供回測報告。
Pattern Tips - USA Stocks 1.0.369
FoneStock Technology Inc.
What is Pattern Tips?Pattern Tips provides stocks that match specific patterns fromthousands of stocks everyday. These specific patterns representpivotal points of trends that are usually important timing forbuying or selling. Beginners and professionals alike can benefitfrom this information. You can easily find good targets with just afew taps.Using the latest cloud technology and big data analysis, PatternTips provides:‧ Active notification to investors after the end of tradingday.‧ Stocks that match key patterns for Long (to buy) or Short (tosell).‧ The candlestick charts and technical indicators of the stockswith these patterns.‧ 16 technical indicators for you to analyze stock trends.A Reminder:Candlestick patterns tell the story of the tug-of-war between thebuying and selling powers. The 24 patterns we have chosen aretypical ones. The ones for “long” often represent the opportunityfor buying, but not necessarily so. You should take intoconsideration its relative volume, its position in trend, etc.More importantly, you should always have an action plan and riskmanagement scheme before you actually place an order. You alsoshould have a stop loss point to protect your profit.When you are familiar with candlestick patterns, your may want todefine your own, or may want to check out during trading session,or even have a real-time alert, then you are welcome to try out themore advanced trading system: Pattern Trader.How to Use Pattern Tips?1. Choose long or short patterns.2. Tap on the stock that you want to observe.3. Choose a candlestick chart indicator and a technicalindicator.4. Once you found a stock with patterns you like, you may plan toplace an order. You could check the volume, the moving averages andtechnical indicators in the chart provided by Pattern Tips.For instance, if there is a breakthrough pattern, and a movingaverage has golden cross, and RSI>50, and KD<50 with golden cross,and MACD<0 with golden cross, it could be a very good timing tobuy.FoneStock wishes you success in stock investment!
US Pattern Trader 1.1.488
FoneStock Technology Inc.
Want to make money off the US stocks?World best trading tool and method – Pattern TraderBecome a candle chart master in no time with no pain.Pattern Trader – try it – it could make you richer!Throughout the history of stock, not a company rewards minorityshareholders for over a century. Once you own a stock, you shouldwatch out for an exit point to pocket your profit, more importantlyto avoid major losses. If you are an active investor, you wouldconstantly look out for good stocks and proper timing to engage. Tobecome profitable, you would not look for a home run just once, norcould you expect to score on every strike. You accumulate yourwealth by letting the winners ride and cut the losses short. How toachieve this? You need to follow discipline, develop a set ofskills, device plans, and have the assistant from good tools.Pattern Trader is the first complete trading system speciallydesigned for handheld devices. It helps investors catch timing,select stocks, set alerts, control risks, track performance, andreview strategy. Specific candlestick patterns are used to findturning points or trend sustaining evidences for better timing toengage in buying or selling. You can design your own patterns withsimple gestures, without having to write any code. Features in riskmanagement and diary review are used to help you enforce yourdiscipline.Unparalleled to any other stock quotes apps you have seenbefore, Pattern Trader is designed to help investors makeprofitable investment decisions at right moments. It will help youbecome long-term winner.Features of Pattern Trader:● Choose StocksDaily Targets:Provide targets that match particular patterns at the end of eachtrading day. You don’t need to screen thousands of stocks for newopportunities.Typical Patterns:Provide 24 daily, weekly, and monthly key candlestick patterns.Users can use the patterns with other price and volume concerns,and fundamental criteria, to select good investing targets all in afew taps.My Patterns:Find exactly what you are looking for by creating your ownpatterns. To make your own pattern, simply adjust the trend lineand the size and shape of the candlesticks by tapping and swiping.You don’t need to learn to write complicate programming language tofind stocks with key patterns and good fundamentals.Pattern Tracking:Track the effectiveness of a particular pattern for a period oftime and find relationship between the pattern and somestocks.Watch-lists:Closely analyze the stocks that you are interested in to help youstay ahead of others.● Find Buy/Sell PointAction Plan:Build a winning plan and create alerts to ensure timely execution.Alerts can be triggered based on planned buying and selling prices,selected patterns, and planned stop-loss and profit-taking points.You don’t need to constantly watching your stocks; the tool will doit for you. You can place your stop order or GTC in your device,without letting others know it. Your plan is personal andprivate.● Profit AnalysisPositions:Provide a dynamic stop loss (profit) adjusting mechanism. It helpsyou calculate the risks of individual stocks that you held so youknow the change of your assets.Diary:Keep the trading records of the stocks that you already sold orcovered. You can write down your buying and selling reasons on thecandlestick chart. You can review your performance and manage youraction plan more effectively.Pattern Trader systemizes the trading reasoning and practice. Itpolishes your skills and strengthens your mental power by lettingyou visualize your own plan and movement. Please try it now!FoneStock wishes you success in stock investment!
Divergence Tips - USA Stocks 1.0.365
FoneStock Technology Inc.
Divergence is a leading indicator that uses price and quantity topredict future trends. By observing divergences, investors canavoid substantial losses or missing the train, when there is amajor shift in pricing direction. This kind of change is importantto value investors, trend traders, and short term traders as well.What is Divergence?Divergence happens when the price of a stock and its volume orother technical indicators go in the opposite direction. Divergenceis often a leading indicator for trend reversal. When used wiselyit will greatly increase the chance of gaining a profit.When the price is on the rise and has a new peak, but the technicalindicator at the relative point does not get high at all, there isa divergence. This kind of divergence is called “negativedivergence” or “Divert to Bear”. It means that the buying power isnot strong enough, and there is a pressure on the price. On theother hand, when the price of a stock keeps dropping, but thecorresponding indicators do not, it means that the stock price maybe at the bottom and may bounce back. This kind of divergence iscalled “positive divergence” or “Divert to Bull”.A Reminder:Divergence is often an indicator for trend reversal, but notalways. In a strong upward trend, divergences may happen two ormore times for the same indicator before there is a trend reversal.Therefore, you should always have an action plan and riskmanagement scheme before you actually place an order. You alsoshould have a stop loss point to protect your profit.Why do I use Divergence Tips?Are you still checking thousands of candlestick charts andtechnical indicators to see if there are divergences with your owneyes? You don’t have to any more. Divergence Tips will do that foryou now!Divergence Tips uses cloud technology and big data analysis to helpyou sort out the stocks with divergences everyday. You only need totap on the screen to see the candlestick charts of the stocks andthe corresponding technical indicators. You can then find thetargets that you might buy or sell short quickly.Divergence Tips Provides:‧ Stocks with divergences and corresponding technicalindexes.‧ Common divergence indicators: Volume, Stochastic Oscillator KD,DIF-MACD value in MACD index, RSI indicator, and OBVindicator.‧ One step tapping to see the candlestick charts and correspondingtechnical indicators of the stock.‧ Active notification to the investors after the end of tradingday.‧ A quick and accurate way of picking up potential trend reversalstocks.FoneStock wishes you success in stock investment!
形态红牛 - 沪深 1.0.369
FoneStock Technology Inc.
什么是形态红牛 Pattern Tips?拜云技术及大数据分析之赐, 神乎科技帮您每天从数千支股票中, 挑选出符合特殊形态的股票。这些特殊形态出现时通常代表股价走势的关键转折,也就是重要的买卖时机。 不论您是新手还是专家, 要做多还是做空,形态红牛帮您快速找到新的投资标的。形态红牛 Pattern Tips 提供:● 多方/空方关键转折形态之个股名单● 发生特殊形态的股票之K线图及技术指标● K线图提供多种指标,如:移动平均线丶布林线指标丶EMA通道等等。● 16种技术指标供您研判股价走势● 每日盘后主动通知,证交所于每日16:30左右更新盘后资料。本产品依此信息演算。温馨提醒:K线形态是描绘多空双方力量消长情形, 是市场上实际反应出来的结果, 有相当参考值。我们提供的12种多12种空的特殊形态,股价关键转折点的机率很高, 但非百分之百。 提醒您, 仍需搭配技术指标成交量, 压力点或支称点,波段走势上升段或末升段,走势的强或弱,以及是否有背离现象等等因素,做为最后进出的依据。提醒您, 真正的下单理财, 需要有自己的交易计划丶风险的管控, 任何时间需有保护性的到价停损点, 以防信号失灵。如何使用形态红牛 Pattern Tips?1. 选择您想要的多方或空方形态2. 点击您想观察特殊形态的股票3. 设定您想研判的K线指标及技术指标4. 您可选择您要的形态股票, 并且结合成交量丶移动平均线及技术指标作为操盘的依据。如果多方横盘突破形态出现,且短线移动平均线黄金交叉, 且RSI值>50, 且KD值<50黄金交叉,且MACD<0黄金交叉,则很有可能是很有效的买进信号。如果您已熟悉形态变化而想进一步建立属于自己的形态, 并且在盘中即时找出您所要的股票,甚至运用形态做为买卖的实时警示,这个时候我们进阶的操盘系统:红牛炒手,应该是适合您的工具。神乎科技祝您财富累积!
背離牛股 - 台股 1.0.365
FoneStock Technology Inc.
什麼是背離Divergence?當某支股票的股價和其他技術指標的走向相反時,就出現背離。背離經常是股價趨勢即將反轉的先行指標,妥善運用將會大幅提高獲利的機會。在一個上升趨勢中,當股價一波比一波高,可是相對於股價的技術指標的波峰卻沒有更高而變低,代表買盤的進價力道不足,就有可能發生背離,股價容易向下轉空。這種現象稱為「背離轉空」或「負向背離」;反之,下降趨勢中,股價向下,指標向上時,股價容易向上轉多,則稱為「背離轉多」或「正向背離」。溫馨提醒:背離經常是股價趨勢即將反轉的先行指標,但是也有例外的情形發生。在很強的上升走勢中,趨勢最後反轉之前,可能會發生二個以上的背離現象。因此,實際上真正的下單理財,需要有自己的交易計劃、風險控管,即時保護性的到價停損點,以防訊號失靈。為什麼要用背離牛股Divergence Tips?你還天天用眼睛目視螢幕,檢查千萬支股票的K線及技術指標有沒有發生背離現象嗎?現在不用了,只要下載背離牛股DivergenceTips的APP。神乎科技拜雲端科技及大數據分析之賜,幫您整理每日發生背離的個股,您只需輕輕一點打勾處就可看到該股的K線圖及其發生背離的技術指標,讓您快速精準掌握賺錢契機。背離牛股Divergence Tips提供:‧ 發生背離現象之個股及對應之技術指標‧ 常用的背離對應指標:成交量、KD值、RSI值、MACD線及OBV能量潮‧ 排列順序以30日內由近~遠,發生背離對應指標多~少來排列‧ 每日盤後主動通知,證交所於每日18:00左右更新盤後資料,含鉅額交易。本產品依此資訊演算。神乎科技祝您財富累積!
型態牛股 - 台股 1.0.369
FoneStock Technology Inc.
什麼是型態牛股Pattern Tips?拜雲端科技及大數據分析之賜,神乎科技幫您每天從數千支股票中,挑選出符合特殊型態的股票。這些特殊型態出現時通常代表股價走勢的關鍵轉折,也就是重要的買賣時機。不論您是新手還是專家,要做多還是做空,只要輕鬆一點,就可快速找到新的投資標的。型態牛股Pattern Tips提供:‧ 多方/空方關鍵轉折型態之個股名單‧ 發生特殊型態的股票之K線圖及技術指標‧ K線圖提供多種指標,如:移動平均線、布林格通道、EMA通道等等。‧ 16種技術指標供您研判股價走勢‧ 每日盤後主動通知,證交所於每日18:00左右更新盤後資料,含鉅額交易。本產品依此資訊演算。溫馨提醒:發生特殊型態的股票,可結合移動平均線及技術指標作為操盤的依據。如果「多方」橫盤突破型態出現,且短線移動平均線黃金交叉,且RSI值>50,且KD值<50黃金交叉,且MACD<0黃金交叉,則很有可能是有效的買進訊號。每天收盤後,型態牛股會挑選出以上多種多方/空方特殊型態的股票,簡單又好用,歡迎大家使用!神乎科技祝您財富累積!
美股形态操盘手 1.1.763
FoneStock Technology Inc.
投资人想要长期获利要有自己的交易计划,其中包括选股的方法, 买进卖出的规划,以及愿意承受风险,与果断执行止損止盈的决心。股市大赢家不是一次买卖股票大赚钱, 也不是每次都赚钱,而是长期在股市稳定获利。如何在股市长期赚钱?这看您是否是自律性高, 遵循自己的交易计划以及是否确实保存自己的交易日记,如果您的纪录显示总资金净值曲线稳定上升, 就算有发生亏损,其下降幅度也很小,那您就是好的操盘手。神乎科技开发出全球第一个完整的逻辑性交易系统, 形态操盘手非常适合想学正确股票投资方法的投资人。 以K线的形态转折为立基点,形态操盘手提供选股策略, 基本面过滤丶多种买卖警示丶风险管控丶盈亏追踪等功能; 使用者还可以设计个人的专有K线形态,不用再写复杂的程序语言, 也可以拥有高手的公式。 不同於单纯的报价软件, 形态操盘手是一个帮助投资人建立操盘逻辑,有效提升长期获利的工具。形态操盘手将交易逻辑系统化,从选股、交易买卖点,到止損止盈的风险管控,有效帮助投资人建立一套有纪律的投资计划,简单又好用,欢迎大家使用!形态操盘手的特点: ● 选股票 每日推荐: 於每日盘後汇整符合多空转折形态的股票,让您快速掌握新的投资机会。 标竿形态:提供24种日丶周丶月K棒关键转折形态再加上基本面条件做筛选来找出潜力飙股。 我的形态:自订专有K线形态,不管是上升丶下降趋势还是K棒的形状及大小,都可以依自己的判断来设定;不必学习撰写复杂的程序语言,就可找出有时机转折且基本面佳的潜力个股。形态追踪: 追踪一段时间来检验某个形态的有效性,找出特定形态和某些股票的关联性。 我的自选: 加入有兴趣的股票,深入分析研究个股。 ●找买卖点 交易计划: 锁定买卖标的,设定形态以及止损丶止盈点,系统将会在第一时间提醒已达到设定的买卖机会。 ● 获利分析 部位风险:对现有的股票提供一个动态的止损止盈机制,随时计算持有股票部位所占的风险,让您掌握手中资产的变化。 ※提醒您部位的重要性,当该笔交易止损部位超过资产净值的2%时,系统会出现警示提醒。 ※总资产净值曲线有如一面镜子,反映出您的操盘表现,曲线稳定上升持续保持操盘方法,若发现暴跌现象,您就需虚心检讨。 绩效日记:统计已卖出股票以及已回补的绩效,确实保留您的交易买卖纪录,您可以配合K线写下买卖点位,诚实地记录当时买进的条件及环境,修正检讨绩效内容,达到长期获利目标。形态操盘手将交易逻辑系统化,从选股到交易买卖点,到止损止盈的风险管控,有效帮助投资人建立一套有纪律的投资计划,简单又好用,欢迎大家使用!神乎科技祝您财富累积!欢迎至腾讯视频搜寻形态操盘手教学影片: